About The Blue Circular Economy Project


Blue Circular Economy (BCE) is a three-year (2018-2021), transnational project co-funded by the EU Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA). Its aim is to support the development of the fishing net waste industry in regions across Europe’s Northern Edge. This project builds on the previous project called Circular Ocean(2015 – 2018). Blue Circular Economy (BCE) aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) offering products and services within fishing gear recycling solutions in the NPA region to attain a greater market reach. BCE will set up a multi-level cluster to connect and catalyze SMEs in the region. The cluster formation will be used as a network enabler where knowledge and experience are developed and shared. BCE will contribute to sustainable development in the NPA region at the economic, environmental and social levels.

The Blue Circular Economy project sets out to stimulate market demand for FNRC’s products. The project will create an eco-label for FNRC's products. This will contribute to sustaining enterprise in the NPA region and stimulate the commercialisation of FNRC's products.



Dr. Siv Marina Flø Grimstad
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Email: sika@ntnu.no
Tel: +47 73595000